At Little Minds Learning Academy we believe that a balance of inquiry/play-based learning and academic learning is the best way to set students up for the most success in Kindergarten and beyond. This approach allows students to learn more about the things they are interested in, while still getting the academic knowledge they need in order to be successful in their school years. Our day consists of a mix of free play, outdoor exploration, direct teaching, small group activities, and many unique opportunities to make learning FUN for our students.
Sprouts Classroom
Our 3 Year Old Sprouts Program is kept small for the purposes of giving it a "family feel" and being able to give students individualized attention and learning experiences. With a maximum of 10 students each day, this space is set up to include as many learning spaces as possible while maintaining a calming and welcoming environment. You will find a reading nook, art center, dramatic play area, large group carpet area, blocks, train table, and table spaces throughout.
GSRP Classroom
Our 4 Year Old GSRP classroom is slightly larger in size to accommodate more students. You will find learning spaces that include the construction zone, library, "show what you know", art, exploration, large group carpet area, dramatic play area, and small group areas.
Academic Learning
Each day we have group circle time that includes teaching early reading skills (letters/sounds, phonemic awareness, stories), math skills, music, and movement. We also have small group learning time where developmentally appropriate skills are taught and practiced based on student ages. Every small group time includes a component of fine motor work as this is a critical skill for students to learn. We do our best to make all learning activities fun and engaging for the students! Visit each program's pages to learn more.
Outdoor Exploration
Outdoor exploration takes place 3 or more times a day, depending on students' needs. We play outside rain or shine (except for during storms). Students are provided rain suits to stay dry and allow for maximum joy while playing in the puddles! We recently underwent a very exciting renovation of our playground. Our brand new natural playground features a play structure with a slide and rock climbing wall, a dry creek river bed, stepping logs and stones, stationary vertical tree trunks for loose parts play, and wild flower garden area. At Little Minds we believe open-ended play areas create the most meaningful outdoor learning experiences and we absolutely love being able to facilitate these experiences for our children. We will still be adding back in some of our old playground components, especially our moveable pieces, but the new additions have added so many more possibilities for creativity and imagination.
Unique Opportunities
It is our joy to bring unique learning experiences to our students. We have multiple aspects of our every day learning that makes learning fun and engaging. We also take regular and frequent field trips with our students to local business/attractions and the Huron County Nature Center at least every couple of months. Our hope is to show our students our amazing community and also expose them to the wonderful outdoors. Lunch and 2 snacks is included in tuition. During lunch we teach students table manners and work towards a "family style" lunch where students scoop their own food, pass food to their peers, and set their own table space with help from the teachers. We follow the serving sizes that are suggested by the USDA Nutrition Standards.